Success Stories



Personal stories of success

Hear it direct from the best person – you! Here clients tell you about their story and experiences in their own words.

Female Client

benefits-of-Havening-therapA female client tells of her lifelong battle with depression and low self esteem, traumatic life events and the changes she has experience through therapy.

Using: NLP and havening-therapy therapy


“Before I had this therapy, I was suicidal. I had tried medication and years and years of all types of therapy, including CBT, the person centred approach, lots and lots of therapists….after my first session with Tam I came home and forgot about it, but something really odd happened. There were no more negative voices at all. There still aren’t, which I still find amazing. Instead, my mind was filled with positive thoughts.The impact has been quite amazing, and even people who don’t know me very well have noticed it. After the second session where we worked on flashbacks [from childhood sexual abuse] I was again, really stunned. I still remembered what happened, but it was void of any emotion. It was amazing. I still had flashbacks, but felt no emotion when they occurred, could carry on as normal, and they had no impact on me at all. My life has totally changed. For anyone who is considering this, please just do it. It is life changing. I have gone round telling everyone it’s the closest thing to actual magic I have ever experienced”. 

Read her complete story here


sunrayMatt wanted to share his story with you and can share his experience far better than we ever could. Read Matt* describe how his life used to be and how coaching helped him find happiness.

Using: Coaching and NLP 


“Life felt like it was stuck. I was blocked in the area of relationships, making me unhappy, depressed and I couldn’t manage to lift myself from the feeling.My first session was around 2 hours and was amazing. It was just like being with a friend and chatting for a few hours like you hadn’t caught up for a while. There’s nothing weird or scary and it just felt really natural. Tam asked me questions and helped me open up, discuss the way I was feeling and articulate how I wanted to make changes. I followed up with another session a week later and then a final session a month later – and I am the happiest I have been for a very long time!”

Read his complete story here

Breakthrough Sessions and Feedback

I really enjoyed our session it was pretty awesome frankly! I was blown away by today and what we covered and am happy, excited and feeling amazing. Thank you.
T. L., London

I have trained with Tam and also been coached by her over the last couple of years. If you’re looking for someone to guide you through 1-on-1 coaching Tam has both the skills, rapport and heart to give you her best. She has a great way of putting you at ease, and will install self confidence in you to achieve the results you are striving for. She will also provide you with the necessary tools that you need today to strive for success, and is great at adapting her approach to get the best out of differing individuals.
U.S, IT Consultant

Tam is a highly competent and skilled coach and master practitioner of NLP. We believe it is her genuine caring nature, compassion and attention to detail that help her achieve the profound and lasting results in those she works with.
Toby and Kate McCartney Training, Master Trainers of NLP

Thank you so much. Yesterday’s session has already made a big difference to my perspective and energy.You’re good!

Tam is provocative, astute and gentle in her approach. She listens carefully and asks skilful questions to help you to untangle your thoughts. I always leave a session with new insights, strengthened resources and trust in myself to make the changes that I want to make. She rocks!
Gemma, London

It’s a pleasure to work with Tam Johnston in the field of NLP New Code change-work. Her dedication, knowledge and performance is outstanding and I would recommend her competency to all who seek changework.
Svein M. Kaurin NLP Trainer/Coach, Norway

Tam’s commitment and passion to coaching ensures she always provides an insightful life changing experience in every session. She has helped me find a new and very much improved version of ‘me’.
Z.B, London

After just one session with Tam I awoke up the next day with a relaxed jaw – my teeth grinding was no more. Thank you Tam, you are amazing!


D.M, London

Hynotherapy for TeethGrinding

testimonialsI wanted to say thank you so much for the sessions so far. I can’t believe how much clarity you have helped me gain in such a small space of time. You are one clever lady, and the gifts you offer ripple out far beyond the person sitting opposite you, way out into the world, creating really good things.
Name withheld to protect confidentiality

testimonialsI first met Tam in 2010 when she had just started her journey with NLP and found her such great fun to be around; an inspirational person of such passion about this new work.
She just had to know about how it all worked and what it all meant and she now does….. write a book Tam, you so could. She gets such utter satisfaction from the clients’ outcome and progress; it is awesome to be around her, she just so wants you to get it!
She very much has her clients’ best interests at heart, and is so very adept at getting to the core of the issue. You really feel that you are important to Tam and that she really cares about you.
She is very intuitive, quite spookily so and a great friend.
When people say, “Do you know Tam” they then follow that with “Oh yes, lovely Tam”

Sue, Worthing

testimonialsI have known Tam for a few years now and she was one of the first people to coach me following the completion of my own NLP Practitioner, when I identified further areas I wanted to develop and past patterns I wanted to let go of. Tam is exceptionally gifted, intuitive and someone to model excellence in coaching from.
She is always striving to update her own knowledge on the subject matter, travelling to the US, Spain and Beyond to ensure she keeps her skillset expanding and current. I’d highly recommend her both as a coach as a trainer, something I’ve had experience of.
If you need a coach who ‘won’t let you off the hook’ and who will ensure that you get the outcomes you desire, whilst holding a safe, yet challenging space for you to explore this in, then she’s the best I know.

Andy Coley


I wanted to email and say thank you once again for the session yesterday. I am still buzzing from it and haven’t been able to stop thinking about the insights we discussed! I feel a lot more ‘comfortable’ with myself since our chat which, whilst not appearing to be the greatest compliment, is actually huge. It’s more than any therapy has provided.

P, London

testimonialsIf you are looking for someone to help you to focus on what you want, to ensure that you don’t run back to old ways of thinking and to make you feel energised and completely positive about your future, then speak with Tam. She is an excellent coach; she helped me to focus, she picked up on important areas that needed exploring and enabled me, for the first time, to look to the future with a positive attitude.

I have received psychological therapy previously however I found my coaching session far, far more useful.

I enjoyed my coaching session with Tam so much and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to work with her. I thoroughly recommend her.

Paul, London

testimonialsTam was phenomenal in helping me not only to set realistic yet challenging goals and plan out the steps I would take to achieve them, but also in helping me to realise ultimately what those goals should be in my life and what my true priorities are. I never once felt as though I was being led to the answers, but rather that I was discovering things myself, and finding truths that would allow me to see myself and my pathway to success that much clearer. My sessions with Tam always left me feeling inspired and confident that I could achieve whatever I wanted in my life. Goals are dreams with legs!


6 Month Update: I just wanted to let you know that things are going really well for me. I have been using a lot of the tools and techniques you gave me and am finding myself really fulfilled and positive about a great 2012. I have let a lot of that disappointment and regret go that I was lugging around, and am feeling really content and ready to move on to the next exciting phase in my life!

I just wanted to let you know that you were a huge help for me, and I really appreciate it.

Erin, International Entertainer

testimonialsSometimes you get buried into so much detail that you lose sight of the bigger picture and lose sight of who you are.  Tam has helped me greatly to realise the potential I have and that it’s completely in my control, as long I choose to focus on those opportunities.  Tam is very good at listening, seeing and guiding me through to a more positive and abundant mentality.  My previous feelings of overwhelm have lessened considerably and now I am in the zone feeling excited about the future.  This has resulted in positive outcomes for my business and home life.  Thank you for all your help.
Anish Raivadera

Fears, phobias & anxiety


testimonialsAfter first blood taking visit: I am still feeling so chuffed about yesterday and what it means for the rest of my life – I have done it now so I know that I can, whereas before I came to you I truly believed I could NOT.

Second visit: “I thought, I’m doing it and I can’t even feel it and I’m fine! – this was the moment that I now know everything has changed. So today, I really really got there- I now feel confident I can do it again with no fear of fainting and am keen to try and give blood.

Tam, your work is truly amazing and life changing!

Clare Napper

testimonialsTreatment of severe generalised claustrophobia after one 2 hour session: I’m doing good! I took the lift today and it was ok, planning to make a habit of it ?. Next day: I went on the tube today in my lunch break just to keep the momentum. Proof attached. My husband is so pleased he’s almost as proud of me as I am :)I really appreciate your help, thank you again.phobia-treatment
Name withheld to protect confidentiality

Feedback after session: So, I’m encountered by a spider and a frog this evening! Happy to say that I didn’t freak like a girl or panic and start sweating!!


Charlie, London

Treatment of a spider phobia after one 2 hour session:

Driving Anxiety, 1 session: Tam, Thanks so much.
Driving today, and yesterday felt like a complete different experience.
Update: Going really well, much, much better than before. Enjoying it a lot!
Need to practice exercises but really happy!


S. Z. London

Treatment of a spider phobia after one 2 hour session: It was the care that was put into understanding the issue – and tailored approach, that helped achieve such an amazing result – I would never have thought it possible to overcome a lifelong spider phobia in such a short time!


H.L, London