Why Tam
I understand that selecting a person to seek help from is an important, personal choice. Experience tells me that you will want someone who you feel comfortable and safe with, who shows you the understanding, patience and respect that you need and deserve. Someone who is free from judgement, shares in wanting to see you at your best, and supports you in getting there.
My sessions with Tam always left me feeling inspired and confident that I could achieve whatever I wanted in my life.
Erin, International Entertainer
Flexibility with our integrated coaching and therapy techniques
I see people from all walks of life, with as many differing problems as you can imagine considering the complex human beings that we are! If you are one of many people that aren’t sure which type of therapy or coaching is right for you, you are in safe hands! Over the years I have developed a flexible, integrated approach, which means you will receive best tools out there to deliver what works for you individually. I am experienced in differing coaching methods and therapies as well as finding a combination to fit with your needs.
Expertise & Credibility
I pride myself in providing the highest quality professional service, standards and value to you. It is an integral part of my work ethic, and wholeheartedly believe it is what you deserve. That is why I am registered with all the relevant professional bodies, fully insured and abide by strict confidentiality procedures, so you can know you are in safe hands. I am constantly developing and learning to bring you the latest in the fields of therapeutic change so you get the best that’s out there. Your safety and care is of utmost importance and is always foremost in everything I do …more…
Quality tailored to you
We are all unique (fortunately!) and therefore we all have different ways and means that work for us. I’ll ensure you’ll get the highest quality of service which is always based upon your needs and wants. I have a dedicated team to ensure that you are always cared for and your service is second to none. It’s that important! …more …
Unique approach
Blending the most effective therapies and coaching, with me you get a relaxed, friendly and supportive approach that works. Together we focus on getting to the real issue quickly and safely, enabling us to get practical with helping you change it. Unlike traditional therapies, I focus less on the ‘why’, unless its useful to us, and more on what you want to change and how.
In my approach I take the best from Coaching, NLP, Neuroscience and Hypnotherapy and integrate it with latest findings in Psychology and elements of CBT, so you can be assured that I have the tools, expertise and flexibility to rapidly help you reach your outcome …more…
Less past, more about now
Live out of your imagination, not your history.
Stephen Covey
Most people don’t want to re-live distressing experiences or spend lots of time dwelling on the causes of problems in their childhood that counselling and some types of psychotherapy focus on.
This differs with me in that we’ll be solution focused and help you change how you are now so you may create the future you want. I have found that people tend to know ‘why’ but don’t know what to differently or how to change it. Should it be necessary to spend some time on ‘why’ and ‘where from’ I have gentle, rapid methods to free you from emotions and limitations of the past, so that we can help you get started on your life here and now. The main focus of our work together is based on gaining an understanding of what you are doing presently and what you want for the rest of your life.
This allows you to start being who you want to be right now and into your future, living how you want to live.
What to expect
It is my belief that everyone has the birthright and ability to lead a free, happy, fulfilled and successful life. It is my purpose and privilege to guide you towards understandings that make the unimaginable an achievable vision and the vision a natural reality.
Tam, Founder Fresh Insight Coaching
It sounds a bit corny, but I really do care about you and your needs and am passionate about you getting the results you want. My style is always in line with this outcome for you and I will go wherever I need to with you in order to help you get this. I’m in it with you all the way. At the same time (and of course, only if appropriate) I want to make it as comfortable, fun and enjoyable as you want it to be! I think of the partnership as a friendship of mutual trust and respect, so you can certainly expect compassion, empathy, humour, honesty, and occasionally tough love and purposeful provocation when helpful!
I accelerate your changes through considered, purposeful questioning, conversational change techniques alongside using tools and therapies carefully tailored to gain insight into the root of your issue, so that you may venture beyond the boundaries of your problem. Unlike some therapies that are working consciously and cognitively, most change needs to occur unconsciously and it is here most of us get stuck.
A lot of the time our sessions will seem simply conversational, but I am working with you both consciously and more importantly unconsciously to create the change. Many of my clients describe it as like ‘having a chat’ but that things ‘just shift’. I have a very educational approach which will be backed up by resources and information out of sessions as well as agreed actions to apply what we have covered. I have found the more you understand about ‘how’ you are doing what you are doing and ‘what’ to do differently, the more you can take charge of it on your own now, and in the future. We will purposefully and positively create new thought processes and changes together, in line with what you want for yourself and you be provided with videos, audios, worksheets and information to help to DIY!
My Commitment to you
I will:
- Provide the highest quality and best value coaching and therapy which delivers rapid results, enabling you to uncover who you truly are and who you can become
- Help you fulfil your true potential and reach your goals
- Guide you in a caring and trusting environment towards fresh new insights, learnings and resolutions, leading you to lifelong change and emotional freedom
- Empower you with the tools, beliefs and abilities so you can continue to grow
You deserve the best, and that is what we will give you
- We will provide a safe, confidential, ethical and unbiased service, respectful of you as a unique individual, alongside your needs and wishes
- We will deliver our services to the highest standards through continual training in the most up to date and advanced techniques and membership with the appropriate professional bodies
- We will provide you with exceptional professionalism at all times
- We welcome your suggestions, ideas and involvement and we will listen to your needs and feedback allowing us to put your values and needs into the heart of what we do
How does it all work?
You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
Martin Luther King Jr
Depending upon your needs and what we are working on, we generally see each other for two hours for the initial appointment and then we have a better idea what/if further sessions are required and can come up with a plan from there.
Intensive breakthrough sessions tend to be longer, with follow up arranged, either on phone, Skype or in person. We would send you out a welcome pack which includes free resources and an optional questionnaire, with the intention of gathering useful information ahead of time together so we get the best value out of your time.
If you would like to find out more or book a session, give my team and I a call or send us an email. I would be delighted to chat with you about how I can help, or you can read some more first about our most commonly encountered issues.
If you request it or it seems helpful before booking your first appointment, we can have a friendly, informal phone chat together about what you may like help with and how we may approach it. This will help give us time to decide whether we are right for each other and you can ask any questions you have. We can talk through your options and the best way forward.