Quiz – Am I Ready?


Is Coaching Right for Me?

Tam provides integrated life coaching and therapies for people who are ready to make those life changes. Try out the questionnaire below and note your yes/no responses to review your results at the end.


I am 100% committed to making changes in my life
Yes No


I can identify areas that I wish to work on in coaching/therapy or know what it is that I wish to improve
Yes No


I understand and accept that the transformations come from within me and I am willing to take full responsibility for creating those changes with expert help and support
Yes No


I am willing to engage fully in the change process and take full responsibility for completing tasks and challenges outside the sessions
Yes No


I am willing to put my trust in my coach and try out new methods with a curious mind, even if I’m not
initially sure how they will benefit me
Yes No


I am prepared for and excited about gaining a fresh insight and learning about myself during the process
Yes No


I am willing to be totally honest with myself and my coach
Yes No


I am prepared to give and receive honest feedback throughout the partnership
Yes No


If you answered YES to all or the majority of these questions, then coaching would benefit you immensely. Take the first step right now and get started!

There are many reasons for answering NO to the questions above, be it fear of the unknown or their own ability to make a change. Know that you absolutely CAN make the change, as long as you are 100% committed.The rest is what your coach is there to support you with and guide you through. Have a look at what to expect as it will talk you through the process in more detail and give you more of an understanding of different approaches used for transforming results. We would be delighted to chat further with you and offer advice as to the best way forward for you.