Havening therapy

brought direct to you


Certified Havening therapist Tam brings you this radical breakthrough therapy to London and South West England using Advanced Havening techniques all the way from the States.

Havening therapy is an innovative, rapidly effective, gentle and safe treatment for emotional trauma, PTSD, phobias, anxiety and other powerful negative emotions that may be holding you back from being free to fully live your life.

Havening therapist Tam Johnston, with founders and Paul McKennaCERTIFIED HAVENING PRACTITIONER: TAM JOHNSTON with Paul McKenna and the Havening Founders Dr. Ron and Steve Ruden

It also relieves stress as well as being highly effective in enhancing well-being and resilience. At Fresh Insight Coaching we believe in bringing you highly effective treatments that have proven outcomes are formed from a scientific basis.

Using the latest findings from neuroscience, Havening techniques ® are producing ground-breaking results in the treatment of trauma and emotional responses, which is why we wanted to bring this treatment to you.

The feedback Tam has received from her clients as well as what she has witnessed first-hand in therapy sessions has been remarkable, consequently making her a huge advocate of this therapy and it is now one of her most preferential forms of therapy to bring you fast and effective results. Complex issues and deeper trauma that used to take several hours or even weeks to resolve can now often be treated with this technique in one session, with ongoing support to carry through the changes. It is fair to say this has got Tam and her clients excited!

Tam is an experienced, qualified Havening Practitioner, having trained and gained expertise in Havening internationally with its founders the Ruden brothers and Paul McKenna, with whom she continues to work closely with as the treatment develops and the results of the ongoing research studies progress, strongly supporting its effectiveness.

So she brings you this powerful treatment direct from its source, meaning you are in safe and competent hands with the added benefit of using its latest advancements. She is also a Certified Practitioner in Applied Neuroscience, so she has a deep understanding of the workings of the brain, how it affects you as well as… and most importantly… how we can change it!


Before I had this therapy, I was suicidal. I had tried medication and years and years of all types of therapy, including CBT, the person centred approach, lots and lots of therapists….after my first session with Tam I came home and forgot about it, but something really odd happened. There were no more negative voices at all. There still aren’t, which I still find amazing. Instead, my mind was filled with positive thoughts.The impact has been quite amazing, and even people who don’t know me very well have noticed it. After the second session where we worked on flashbacks [from childhood sexual abuse] I was again, really stunned. I still remembered what happened, but it was void of any emotion. It was amazing. I still had flashbacks, but felt no emotion when they occurred, could carry on as normal, and they had no impact on me at all. My life has totally changed. For anyone who is considering this, please just do it. It is life changing. I have gone round telling everyone it’s the closest thing to actual magic I have ever experienced.


Name withheld to protect confidentiality November 23, 2016



To enhance your well-being & happiness



To enhance your well-being & happiness


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the havening technique


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See how it all works and learn what happens in the brain


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or enquire about a Havening Session with Tam

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