Havening Techniques

brought direct to you

The Havening methods

These are delivered in the form of applying touch therapy to your arms, hands and cheeks can be carried out by the practitioner, yourself or people close to you. This therapeutic touch sets off what can be most easily described as a natural but increased electro-chemical chain reaction in your body. It produces much higher levels of natural hormone we have in our body such as serotonin as well as sending a brain into a similar state of electrical activity as it goes into when we are asleep. This has a calming effect within your brain, gives you a sense that you are safe, whilst the particular chemicals get to work on changing the way that traumas are stored in your memory and effectively de-linking the emotional content of those traumatic memories with the rest of the experience. This leaves you with some form of the memory but without the unwanted or extreme emotional responses.

This therapy particularly affects and works on the amygdala in your brain, otherwise known as your threat detector which is responsible for fight or flight. It therefore works brilliantly with anxiety, fears and phobias, panic and other emotions that are driven by this part of the brain. Additionally the calming effects that were explained above means that it also encourages the brain and asked to be able to freely associate and undercover  and release other connected negative emotions or experiences we have had.

If you want a better understanding of how it works, watch and easy, fun and informative video about it right here.

But it’s not just for the more negative issues! The state is induces can be similar to being a mild and gentle hypnosis whilst totally conscious of what is going on in the room and being in complete control. Some even prefer to deal with their eyes open! Regardless, what this enables is a way to deeply focus on what you want or how you want to be or feel, and this can be put to great use by focusing on creating this for yourself and giving yourself and your unconscious mind suggestions or installing directions, just as you would receive in hypnotherapy. The beauty is this is initiated and guided by you, with your practitioner there to support, guide and lead as you wish.

More about the therapy:

Want to know more about the science or have questions? Search the comprehensive information about it in frequently asked questions about Havening where it covers more about the process, how it works, what to expect and the neuroscience behind it.

Havening is helpful for:

  • Emotional/Psychological Trauma
  • Anxiety
  • Fears, Phobias and Panic
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Relationship breakups and issues
  • Guilt and Shame
  • Anger and rage
  • Chronic pain and illnesses with no physical/mechanical cause
  • Cravings or Emotional Eating
  • Insomnia
  • Compulsions
  • Self esteem and confidence
  • Stress and resilience
  • Visualisation and creativity
  • Installing positive beliefs
  • Focusing on and motivating yourself towards goals


Tam uses Advanced Havening Techniques in conjunction with NLP, Hypnotherapy and other therapeutic and coaching approaches. This unique combination ensures you get the optimum results in the shortest time.

*Guidance on practitioners ~ note of caution and care. Not everyone who claims to use Havening is certified. There are a limited number of Certified Havening Practitioners currently in London. Certification is a complex process ensuring Practitioners are thoroughly trained, assessed and deemed safe and competent with the accompanying knowledge base, so they are equipped to manage the complexities of trauma and to keep safe. Please ensure whoever you choose is a certified practitioner. You can check here.

Book or enquire about a Havening Session with Tam:

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