What is NLP?

What is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)?

NLP stands for ‘Neuro Linguistic Programming‘. NLP looks at the way in which we think, store and process our thoughts (Neuro), the language patterns we use (Linguistic) and our behaviours (Programming) and how these interact to have a positive (or negative) effect on us as individuals.

 The founders of NLP studied the best, most effective methods by modelling therapists and psychotherapists known to excel as the leaders in their field, and created an extensive set of tools and techniques which can be used to facilitate powerful, quick and long-lasting change in both individuals and organisations. Simply put, it is a collection of a wide range of methods and models, which create an understanding of thought process and behaviour, along with an opportunity for desired change. These methods, models and tools  originate from a process called modelling which remains the fundamental premise of what NLP is all about; the study of the subjective experience and the pursuit of excellence. This may all sound a bit ‘wordy’ but is basically looking at the process behind how and what we do.

NLP’s popularity has grown rapidly within the coaching and therapy fields and is frequently referred to the “instruction manual for your mind” as it focuses on ‘how’ we do things and the way we store our experiences in our mind. By understanding how we create our experiences we can then choose to enhance or change them to bring about positive changes as well as modelling others that already excel in the area we wish to change.

How does it work?

The majority of our thoughts and behaviours come from out of our awareness, commonly known as the unconscious mind. We use a wide range of methods and models working with the conscious and unconscious mind to establish how your thoughts, behaviours, values and beliefs keep you within your current situation. We can then rapidly change whatever we need to bring about a positive change in your life, increase self-awareness, improve communication and change outdated patterns of behaviour. Despite sounding relatively complicated (not helped by a strange sounding name!) NLP is practical, fun and extremely effective with extremely rapid results. We completely tailor these interactive techniques with other styles to suit your preferences, beliefs and desired style of coaching/therapy.

How can it help me and does it work?

NLP has a strategy and technique to help with almost everything. That’s what its best known for. 

But beyond that, (and it’s real genius) is that it’s a methodology that enables us to pull out what’s ‘not working’ for you and together, replace it with things that are. As mentioned above, It’s less concerned with ‘why’ and more with ‘how and what’ makes up what you’re experiencing that’s  problematic or limiting as well as modelling ‘what works’ in yourself and others.  That’s why it’s often referred to as the ‘instruction manual for the mind’.

So whether you have things that are limiting you….. want to be more successful but don’t know how…..want to rid yourself of low mood, anxiety or phobias…. want to communicate more effectively… wish to work through relationship issues… and so much more, NLP can help. Find out just some of the areas it can help with here.

Tam uses it in conjunction with other therapies and methods for the best results, dependent upon the change you are seeking. One thing is for sure, it works, as long as you’re prepared to make the change. We will talk this through together to devise what is most suitable for you. Our policy is one of total openness and honesty and we will continue to advise you on the best solution for you throughout our relationship.

What can I expect?

NLP has a plethora of techniques that are fun, interactive, insightful and effective. We start by chatting and exploring what you want and what you ‘do’ currently that stops you having what you want. We will identify your style of thinking, your beliefs and own resources and together find more beneficial ways to be. We then have fun using the tools and techniques to create the changes. The only things we need from you are 100% commitment to the change, total honesty with yourself and your coach and an open mind to learn more about yourself!

Is it safe?

Yes! Totally! Safety and ethical practice are of uttermost importance to us, and are our highest priority in everything we do.

Am I in control?

Absolutely. I understand that this is a natural concern for people. You can be assured that everything we do in our sessions is in line with your outcome, is with your permission and is within your full control. The changes only ever come from within you, in line with what you want, so you have all the power! (Go you!) I are just your guide and assist you in facilitating the processes.

Is it for me?

Everyone has different beliefs and wants different things out of coaching. We understand that NLP may be quite a new concept for some people and can sound a bit puzzling to start with! It was puzzling to us as well until we had studied extensively on the speciality, saw and individually experienced the effects it has and the changes it makes. The best results come from an open and curious mind excited at the prospect of what learnings and insights it will bring you. We have many ways flexible to help you create change that is right for you that involve a more coaching or conversational style according to your wishes. We will never ask you to do something without your permission, although do expect us to stretch you and push the boundaries of your comfort zone to help you reach your desired outcome. That is our job!

Want to know more?

What makes us able to help you gain long-term, rapid results is that we use blend a variety of techniques and specialities in a safe and supportive environment, combined with our expertise. This means that whatever areas of your life you are seeking to explore and create changes in, we have the right expertise and approach. If you have further questions or want to have quick chat, submit an enquiry and Tam will be in touch.





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